Day 161

Today's Scripture
1 Kings 18-19, Hebrews 5

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1 Comment

Pastor Jay - July 4th, 2024 at 7:42am

Good morning and Happy 4th! Praying for you this morning! May you have a wonderful day!

n1 Kings 18 is one of my favorite passages. Elijah calls out the children of Israel asking them how long they will continue to serve false gods. An altar is built and Elijah told them to call on their gods and then they would repair the altar and Elijah would call upon his God. The false gods were silent even when the prophets of Baal cut themselves and blood gushed out, still Baal was silent. Ha. Elijah called out to the Lord God Almighty and He consumed the sacrifice, water, and all the wood, all the stones, and the dust. Wow!

nThe people fell on their faces when they saw this and declared that the Lord, He is God. We need to make sure today that no false gods have creeped into your life. Anything that is on the throne of your life, that is your god. Anything that you love more, serve more, think about more is your god. If there are any, slay it today and let's fall on our faces and declare God to be God of your life. Amen! He alone is worthy! He alone is God!