1 Kings 3-4 nIt pleased God that Solomon asked for an understanding heart to judge between good and bad, rather than things coming from a selfish heart. Solomon admitted that he didn't know how to do that. As a result, God blessed him with great wisdom. When Solomon judged the matter between the two women who had just given birth the people who heard about it feared Solomon and knew that the wisdom of God was with him to do judgement. Because Solomon sought God, he brought honor to God first and then to himself. God was being glorfied in his life. This reminds me of the scripture that tells us to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:6). He does that not just for us, but so that He is glorified and more hearts can be drawn unto Him.
Psalm 72 nPsalm 72 parallels 1 Kings 3 and 4 really well because as I read Psalm 72 after reading 1 Kings 3-4 I thought, "that sounds like King Solomon" but actually it was talking about Jesus and how Jesus is going to bring perfect peace to this earth when the saints rule and reign with Him for 1000 years. His perfect judgement brings that peace and abundance- even now- within us Jesus brings that peace and abundance. The life of King Solomon truly does bring glory to God because it paints a picture of what the Lord does in hearts and lives now and forevermore. Now His word is that sword that rightly devides the truth from the lies just as the sword that King Solomon used to judge the situation in 1 Kings 3. In the future, He will judge perfectly on the day of judgement.
1 Kings 3-4
nIt pleased God that Solomon asked for an understanding heart to judge between good and bad, rather than things coming from a selfish heart. Solomon admitted that he didn't know how to do that. As a result, God blessed him with great wisdom. When Solomon judged the matter between the two women who had just given birth the people who heard about it feared Solomon and knew that the wisdom of God was with him to do judgement. Because Solomon sought God, he brought honor to God first and then to himself. God was being glorfied in his life. This reminds me of the scripture that tells us to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:6). He does that not just for us, but so that He is glorified and more hearts can be drawn unto Him.
Psalm 72
nPsalm 72 parallels 1 Kings 3 and 4 really well because as I read Psalm 72 after reading 1 Kings 3-4 I thought, "that sounds like King Solomon" but actually it was talking about Jesus and how Jesus is going to bring perfect peace to this earth when the saints rule and reign with Him for 1000 years. His perfect judgement brings that peace and abundance- even now- within us Jesus brings that peace and abundance. The life of King Solomon truly does bring glory to God because it paints a picture of what the Lord does in hearts and lives now and forevermore. Now His word is that sword that rightly devides the truth from the lies just as the sword that King Solomon used to judge the situation in 1 Kings 3. In the future, He will judge perfectly on the day of judgement.