Day 141

Today's Scripture
2 Samuel 21, Psalms 38, 41-42

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1 Comment

Pastor Jay - June 12th, 2024 at 7:15am

Good morning! Great word from you guys! Thanks for sharing!

nPsalm 38:5, "My wounds are foul and festering because of my foolishness."

nDavid is writing about the pain and hurt that his son had brought upon him. We need to learn from this. Our sin brings a mountain of hurt and lasting pain. If we do not listen to the words of His heart, we will have to feel the weight of His hand (Psalm 32:4). I hate to see giants in the Christian faith fall. One of my hero's in the faith announced his sin yesterday and stepped away from the ministry after many years of serving the Lord. What a reminder that any of us can fall. I know he hurts and I know many hearts are broken over this man falling. It is because of his own personal foolishness that has led to this. If we just following the Word! I can say the same at times in my life, "If I would have just been obedient." The wounds are "foul and festering." They hurt and they hurt many. Let's not give anyone an excuse to fall. Let's stay close to the Master and let Him work. Amen! Let Him shepherd! Let Him lead to the still waters! Let's be good followers of our Lord and avoid the heavy hand of God!