Day 125

Today's Scripture
1 Chronicles 11-12, Psalms 106-107, 133

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1 Comment

Pastor Jay - May 24th, 2024 at 9:37am

Good morning! 1 Chronicles 12 is an amazing chapter of the armies from the 12 tribes of Israel joining forces under David's rule. There will not be another army like it in all the world. And to take all of these different tribes, valiant men and make them one army under David seems impossible, David even Questioned it. But in verse 18 we see the key, "The Spirit came upon them." God was working in His Spirit to bring all of this about. It is interesting to note that the Holy Spirit would come upon men at times in the Old Testament. Men like Bezalel in Exodus 31, Jephthah in Judges 11, Samson in Judges 13-15, David in 1 Samuel 16, and Zechariah in 2 Chronicles. This was the case in the Old Testament that the Spirit would move upon a man. But in the New Testament the Holy Spirit indwells all believers (John 14:16,17) praise the Lord. The prophet Joel mentioned this happening in 2:28-32. Gods Spirit continues to do His work in the lives of believers enabling us to live the Christian life. We cannot live the Christian life without Him! Amen! 🙏