Good morning! I hope you are doing great! In Romans 12, Paul begins this chapter talking about being transformed by renewing your mind. He concludes this chapter with verse 21, "Do not overcome evil by evil, but overcome evil with good." WOW! Now that takes a renewed mind. Our flesh wants to attack and defend. But when our mind is renewed, we have the mind of Christ and we are about to love instead of attack. Overcome evil with good. Let's take this approach. Only the Spirit of God in us can do it! Let's look at situations in n out lives and offer good, love and allow Gods Word to change the bad situations of our lives. Instead of yelling, talk peacefully with love and it will change your marriage. See how this works. As Christians we live on a higher level and return good for evil!
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Good morning! I hope you are doing great! In Romans 12, Paul begins this chapter talking about being transformed by renewing your mind. He concludes this chapter with verse 21, "Do not overcome evil by evil, but overcome evil with good." WOW! Now that takes a renewed mind. Our flesh wants to attack and defend. But when our mind is renewed, we have the mind of Christ and we are about to love instead of attack. Overcome evil with good. Let's take this approach. Only the Spirit of God in us can do it! Let's look at situations in n out lives and offer good, love and allow Gods Word to change the bad situations of our lives. Instead of yelling, talk peacefully with love and it will change your marriage. See how this works. As Christians we live on a higher level and return good for evil!