Exodus 25:16, "And you shall put into the ark the Testimony which I will give you." In several chapters, God is telling Moses to do many things with many details and we see that God gives him very little reason why. Obedience. True obedience is doing what you are ask and you don't need to know why. The ark of the covenant had many details in building it and God did say that the testimony would go into it. This was the first five books of the Bible. The tabernacle, all of the many details, with little explanation. We know now that what the Old Testament believers had in the tabernacle, later the temple, God's people have in Jesus Christ! All of the furnishings and the ceremonies point to Christ! They reveal to us many aspects of His character and ultimately the salvation that He provides. Every spiritual need that the Israelite people had was met in the tabernacle. Think about this aspect alone: they had a high priest, the holy of holies and the priest would not intercede on their behalf to God and seek forgiveness of their sins. In Christ we have everything we need. We go to God the Father through Christ. In Christ we have forgiveness of sin! Glory! Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!
Exodus 25-26
God gives instruction to Moses on building Him a sanctuary and also the ark of the covenant which He says will hold His testimony.
Romans 10
I find it interesting that Paul says that the children of Israel were zealous for God, but did not seek His righteousness. That seems like a familiar picture of what we see in the church sometimes. Beleivers who worship on Sunday, but don't seek God's righteousness, making Him Lord of their lives. It's a reminder to keep my eyes on Christ and to be intentional about my walk with Christ each day. To be zealous and not righteous describes being lukewarm and that is a dangerous place to be.
1 Timothy 3
Conduct and lifestyle must be honorable to God of those leading the church. It says here that their house must be in order and they must not only be known in the church, but known among people outside of the church. They must be humble and not arrogant and be mature in the faith. Their lives must glorify Christ through and through.
Exodus 25:16, "And you shall put into the ark the Testimony which I will give you." In several chapters, God is telling Moses to do many things with many details and we see that God gives him very little reason why. Obedience. True obedience is doing what you are ask and you don't need to know why. The ark of the covenant had many details in building it and God did say that the testimony would go into it. This was the first five books of the Bible. The tabernacle, all of the many details, with little explanation. We know now that what the Old Testament believers had in the tabernacle, later the temple, God's people have in Jesus Christ! All of the furnishings and the ceremonies point to Christ! They reveal to us many aspects of His character and ultimately the salvation that He provides. Every spiritual need that the Israelite people had was met in the tabernacle. Think about this aspect alone: they had a high priest, the holy of holies and the priest would not intercede on their behalf to God and seek forgiveness of their sins. In Christ we have everything we need. We go to God the Father through Christ. In Christ we have forgiveness of sin! Glory! Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!
Exodus 25-26
God gives instruction to Moses on building Him a sanctuary and also the ark of the covenant which He says will hold His testimony.
Romans 10
I find it interesting that Paul says that the children of Israel were zealous for God, but did not seek His righteousness. That seems like a familiar picture of what we see in the church sometimes. Beleivers who worship on Sunday, but don't seek God's righteousness, making Him Lord of their lives. It's a reminder to keep my eyes on Christ and to be intentional about my walk with Christ each day. To be zealous and not righteous describes being lukewarm and that is a dangerous place to be.
1 Timothy 3
Conduct and lifestyle must be honorable to God of those leading the church. It says here that their house must be in order and they must not only be known in the church, but known among people outside of the church. They must be humble and not arrogant and be mature in the faith. Their lives must glorify Christ through and through.