Day 35

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Jess - February 18th, 2024 at 3:49pm

Exodus 19-20, Romans 7

In Exodus, God gave Moses the commandments and the people witnessed the might and power of God so that they might fear God and not sin. In Romans it is explained that the law given to Moses was so that we would be aware of our sin and not that we are able to keep the commandments. The law highlights the perfection of Jesus Christ and our need for Him.

Proverbs 9:10 says: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. I think of when the Lord came upon Mount Sanai and spoke to Moses and how the people were shown the fear of the Lord during the moments God was speaking and sharing His great wisdom. It was literally, the beginning of wisdom right there because God was giving them a navigation tool, to show them the will of God for their lives- a moral compass. It leads to Christ because we all fall short of His glory.

Jess - February 18th, 2024 at 4:02pm


Paul wrote to Titus to explain the stadards by which he should select and appoint elders in the cities which Paul sends him. He explains that they should be honarable and men of integrity in the Lord, not dishonest, self seeking, lazy gluttons. They are to have genuine intentions and be true men of God. They are to bare good fruit. In our churches today we must discern the intentions of those who are leading and refrain from sitting under false teachers whom are not baring the good fruit of the Lord.