Exodus 17-18
The children of Israel are still complaining, and God is still providing. He's making a way out of "no way". The people of Israel were complaining to Moses about having no water to drink and God brought water from a rock. What stood out to me is that they didn't think they could ask God themselves. I've heard people say say that we can have as much or as little of God as we want. I beleive that. If they had a personal relationship with God themselves, maybe they would not have been complaining to Moses about what they didn't have. God is the provider and we can ask Him when we are in need- we can go right to the source of all of our provision.
In 18 Moses communes with his father in law. We see that they have a very good relationship and that Moses respects his father in law Jethro. Jethro offers his wisdom to Moses and through that, we see church government begin to form. Moses has to get help. Moses isn't too proud to accept advice or to get help and because of that, the church can grow. God can do what He intends to do!
Overall, the message that I'm getting from Exodus 17 and 18 is that Moses was a great man of God, but He could not do everything God called him to do all alone. He needed someone to help him hold his arms up during the battle with Amalek and he needed other people of God to help govern Israel. Moses also needed the fellowship and advice of someone he trusted. "No man is an Island". We aren't meant to do it all on our own without other believers.
Romans 6:16
Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slave whom you obey, wheather of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.
Exodus 17-18
The children of Israel are still complaining, and God is still providing. He's making a way out of "no way". The people of Israel were complaining to Moses about having no water to drink and God brought water from a rock. What stood out to me is that they didn't think they could ask God themselves. I've heard people say say that we can have as much or as little of God as we want. I beleive that. If they had a personal relationship with God themselves, maybe they would not have been complaining to Moses about what they didn't have. God is the provider and we can ask Him when we are in need- we can go right to the source of all of our provision.
In 18 Moses communes with his father in law. We see that they have a very good relationship and that Moses respects his father in law Jethro. Jethro offers his wisdom to Moses and through that, we see church government begin to form. Moses has to get help. Moses isn't too proud to accept advice or to get help and because of that, the church can grow. God can do what He intends to do!
Overall, the message that I'm getting from Exodus 17 and 18 is that Moses was a great man of God, but He could not do everything God called him to do all alone. He needed someone to help him hold his arms up during the battle with Amalek and he needed other people of God to help govern Israel. Moses also needed the fellowship and advice of someone he trusted. "No man is an Island". We aren't meant to do it all on our own without other believers.
Romans 6:16
Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slave whom you obey, wheather of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.