Exodus 12:23, "For the Lords will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you." Whew! We cannot say that God is a cruel God. He warned and gave warning after warning, Pharaoh hardened his heart toward God and then God hardened his heart. When you reject Christ enough, He will give you not another chance!
Exodus 11-12
God required obedience for the people of Israel to be brought out of Egypt. It took several attempts going to Pharoah and him resisting, before they were ever freed. The people of Israel got to see the wrath of God coming down on Pharoah and the Egyptians, and yet, they were always spared. That must have really built their faith stronger every time God protected them and also, they had to be patient. Pharoah didn't just let them go immediately. They had to trust God's timing. They had to wait, but in the waiting, they obeyed and ended up receiveing favor in the sight of the Egyptians.
This makes me think of how the hand of God is on us as followers of Christ, but we still go through trials and circumstances in life. Our faith is still tested and sometimes God doesn't immediately deliver us right out of it, but even in the midst of it, He is still faithful. If we have Him, we will come through it and He is using it to refine us and shape our faith in Him and our character. Like the children of Israel, while we wait, we must trust and obey Him. He doesn't want to harm us, but He wants to give us hope and a future according to His word.
Exodus 11-12
The circumstances were AROUND the people of Israel, but the circumstances did not HARM them. They just had to trust and obey until the circumstances changed! It's all because God was with them! That is so profound to me, I had to come back and share it!
Romans 3
Verse 31: Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.
My takeaway is that the law was given to us to show us the holiness of God alone! That there is not a person alive who has kept every law, therefore we needed Jesus to take on the sentence of sin for us to be justified to God. The law demonstrates our need for a Savior and also shows us how we are to live- not that we can do it apart from Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:3
For what if some did not believe? Will their unbeleif make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.
Weather a person beleives God is real or not, doesn't mean He isn't and doesn't mean that they can escape the judgment of God- we can't bury our heads in the sand. Without faith in Jesus Christ, our sin is not justified.
Because of our sin, we can see the goodness and holiness of God- worthy of awe and reverence.
Romans 3:9-10
What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that are all under sin.
As it is written: There is none rightcheous, no, not one.
This is a humbling reminder that without Jesus, there is no hope. It's only the hope of Jesus Christ that sets us free!
We must love and be discerning- not naive. We are not to open the door to entertain false teachers, which is why we have to know the Word of God for ourselves.
Exodus 12:23, "For the Lords will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you." Whew! We cannot say that God is a cruel God. He warned and gave warning after warning, Pharaoh hardened his heart toward God and then God hardened his heart. When you reject Christ enough, He will give you not another chance!
Exodus 11-12
God required obedience for the people of Israel to be brought out of Egypt. It took several attempts going to Pharoah and him resisting, before they were ever freed. The people of Israel got to see the wrath of God coming down on Pharoah and the Egyptians, and yet, they were always spared. That must have really built their faith stronger every time God protected them and also, they had to be patient. Pharoah didn't just let them go immediately. They had to trust God's timing. They had to wait, but in the waiting, they obeyed and ended up receiveing favor in the sight of the Egyptians.
This makes me think of how the hand of God is on us as followers of Christ, but we still go through trials and circumstances in life. Our faith is still tested and sometimes God doesn't immediately deliver us right out of it, but even in the midst of it, He is still faithful. If we have Him, we will come through it and He is using it to refine us and shape our faith in Him and our character. Like the children of Israel, while we wait, we must trust and obey Him. He doesn't want to harm us, but He wants to give us hope and a future according to His word.
Exodus 11-12
The circumstances were AROUND the people of Israel, but the circumstances did not HARM them. They just had to trust and obey until the circumstances changed! It's all because God was with them! That is so profound to me, I had to come back and share it!
Romans 3
Verse 31: Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.
My takeaway is that the law was given to us to show us the holiness of God alone! That there is not a person alive who has kept every law, therefore we needed Jesus to take on the sentence of sin for us to be justified to God. The law demonstrates our need for a Savior and also shows us how we are to live- not that we can do it apart from Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:3
For what if some did not believe? Will their unbeleif make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.
Weather a person beleives God is real or not, doesn't mean He isn't and doesn't mean that they can escape the judgment of God- we can't bury our heads in the sand. Without faith in Jesus Christ, our sin is not justified.
Because of our sin, we can see the goodness and holiness of God- worthy of awe and reverence.
Romans 3:9-10
What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that are all under sin.
As it is written: There is none rightcheous, no, not one.
This is a humbling reminder that without Jesus, there is no hope. It's only the hope of Jesus Christ that sets us free!
We must love and be discerning- not naive. We are not to open the door to entertain false teachers, which is why we have to know the Word of God for ourselves.