Day 30

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Josh cunnignham - February 12th, 2023 at 5:17am

1 John 5:

Great passage of scripture here about obedience. This sentence in particular stuck out "And His commandments are not burdensome." Satan has lied to people time and time again, getting them to believe that the commandments of God are burdensome. That God is holding out on us. That the Christian life is no fun and just a set of rules we must follow and be miserable in. What a lie!! His commands bring REAL life! Being obedient to the Lord will bring along a freedom this world simply cannot provide! A joy and a peace that surpasses all understanding!

Pastor J - February 3rd, 2024 at 8:46am

Good morning! This morning reading Exodus has so many lessons for life. But Exodus 9:20-21 says, "He who feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his livestock flee to the houses. 21 But he who did not regard the word of the Lord left his servants and his livestock in the field." Sounds bad because they disobey the Lord. But if you keep reading, their disobedience to the Lord cost them greatly. Everything in the field died. But don't miss this, they were warned. God sent his servants Moses and Aaron. They told Pharaoh the Word of God and Pharaoh would not listen. The longer we reject God, it costs. It costs to turn away from God or to say no to God. Whew! May we see a wondrous harvest of souls coming to Jesus! May our city and town get this and come!

Jess - February 10th, 2024 at 8:29am

Exodus 9-10

No matter how many warnings God gave through Moses and Aaron, Pharoah and many of the Egyptians did not choose to obey. Pharoah would say that he would let the children of Israel go and then as soon as things looked like they would go his way, he went back on it and didn't free the children of Israel, bringing more suffering upon not just him, but the whole land of Egypt. That makes me think that our disobedience to the Lord doesn't just affect us, but those around us. For example, if we choose not to follow Christ, our choices will affect our children and their decisions (and vice versa). The choice to follow Christ or not is the most impactful decision we can make in life. In the choice to follow Christ there is life and freedom; God did spare the children of Israel!

Jess - February 10th, 2024 at 8:44am

Romans 2

Overall, I think that this chapter is talking about not being religious: doing things just because it appears that we follow Christ, but there being a REAL heart transformation. That our walk with Christ is not for show, but it is genuine. We can do all the things right on the outside and God not be working in our hearts. God knows all and sees all. We can not fool Him. It's not our works that are going to get us into heaven, but it is us welcoming Jesus into our hearts and allowing Him to do a work in us. We will be transformed by the renewing of our minds and will be able to test and approve of His good, pleasing, and perfect will! (Romans12:2) This is only made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord for His precious blood!

Jess - February 10th, 2024 at 9:03am

I John 5

In the first few verses I gather that it is saying that if we love Him ,we will keep His commandments. Not because we are religiously keeping them as a practice, but because we have welcomed the love of God for us into our hearts- and we love Him (We love Him, because He first loved us). We will want to honor Him because we love Him- because He's been oh so good to us- we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and it is a joy to serve Him! Yes, we all fall short of His glory, but that's another reason why He's so good- because of His grace and His faithfulness. Humbleing ourselves before Him and acknowledging our short comings will keep us growing in Him. Our lives in Him are a work of art! Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!!!