Day 26

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Pastor Jay - February 7th, 2023 at 2:55pm

Exodus 1:22, "So Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, 'Every son who is born you shall cast into the River, and every daughter you shall save alive.'"

The people of God were growing strong in the land and multiplying as immensely and Pharaoh began to feel threatened. Pharaoh began to feel threatened. Pharaoh knew what many do not understand in America, if you get rid of the masculine male you will weaken the society.

We have a stripping of manhood in our society and we desperately need to combat against it through raising godly, masculine men and for the church to aid in the efforts. Let us be strong as men in the Lord as Joshua 1:8 says: "Be strong and of good courage."

Jess - February 2nd, 2024 at 1:30pm


Josh Cunnignham - February 8th, 2023 at 7:40am

Acts 26

I love how Paul explains His conversion. Such a powerful testimony to how Jesus changes a person! Jesus tells Paul to go tell of the things He has seen and will see. Such a simple task, and one we are asked to do as well. We must share with as many as possible what Christ has done for us and others! And Paul laters proclaims "he was no disobedient to the heavenly vision." Our obedience to the calling on our lives is so important! Lord help us to be men who obey what you have called each one of us to!

Pastor Jay - January 30th, 2024 at 6:12am

Exodus 1-2, the generation of Joseph, and his brothers all die off. The Pharaoh that was ruling during the time of Joseph does off and is replaced with a Pharaoh that does not know the Israelites nor does he have any special connection to them. He sees the Israelites growing in number so rapidly that he begins to use them as slaves. He then commands that midwives kill all male children. Ugh! What a loser! The mid wives refused to do so and this is the first instance in the Bible where we see civil disobedience. These midwives refused to kill the male children because they feared the Lord. And sometimes as followers of Christ, we must not do what the law requires if the law contradicts the Word of God. Bible verses such as 1 Peter 2:12 admonish Chrisitian's the keep and observe the laws of the land. Romans 13:5 reminds us not to obey governing authorities is they are violating Scripture. God blessed these midwives in giving them children at a time that children were commanded to be killed. God gave these midwives homes and blessed them greatly. It is amazing to read how the Israelites grew rapidly in number and in chapter 2, God raises up Moses to lead the deliverance of His people. God promised to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and He is beginning that process! Oh exciting to see God move and work! Oh exciting to think of what He is going to do next! And we get to be a part of it all! Amen!

Jess - February 2nd, 2024 at 10:40pm

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I love this because it's a reminder of how we are sanctified. He wants to sanctify us, He doesn't want to leave us the same. When we surrender to Him, He brings our sin to light and we desire to be right with Him, so we ask Him to clease us of the sin that doesn't honor Him and He is faithful and just to cleanse us of it. That in itself is amazing to me! It's His will to clease us of our sin, so we just have to ask Him to do it and He will!