Day 23

Today's Scripture
Genesis 46-47, Acts 23

Leave any takeaways in the comment section below!


Rodney Martin - February 3rd, 2023 at 4:15pm

Genesis 46, 47

This is where God brings Joseph's dreams from chapter 37 to fruition. I find it fascinating that neither Joseph, nor any of his family brings up the subject. Joseph shows love and compassion for his brothers who sold him into slavery, when he could just as easily have made things very difficult for them. It is a testimony to his faith and trust in God.

Josh Cunningham - February 4th, 2023 at 7:49am

Amen Rodney!

Josh Cunningham - February 4th, 2023 at 7:49am

Acts 23:

Jesus told Paul that just as he testified of Him in Jerusalem, he must also testify in Rome. And what Jesus says....goes!! Just after this we see the Jewish leaders plotting and making a commitment that they will not eat or drink until they have killed Paul. They were obviously motivated to stop him. But what God puts into motion, no man can stop. There's nothing that can stop the will of our Lord from coming to fruition. Talk about a reason to live boldly and with courage!

Jess - January 30th, 2024 at 8:46am

Genesis 46-47 We see God fullfilling the covenant made with Abraham through Joseph. Though Joseph's brothers intended to harm Joseph, what they did played a part in fulfilling what God had promised. Joseph was able to make ammends with his family and bring them all into Goshen to take possession of the land. His family was able to be fruitful and muliply as instructed by God. Even in the midst of a famine God provided for his people. We see that the Egyptians gave up everything they had, even themselves to be provided for by Pharoah, in contrast, Joseph's family prospered because of the covenant made by God. My take away is that God will provide. He will make a way, out of no way! And He keeps His promises!

Nikki lewis - January 30th, 2024 at 9:54pm
