Great reminder this morning of 2 things. Sharing what God has done in our lives and the lives of others is so important. If we are to dwell on things that are pure and holy, we must also talk about them. But the final part of this also caught my eye. As we do, it should always be in a way that glorifies the Lord. Not in a way that would lead people to think it's us doing anything in our own strength or talent. God requires and deserves all the credit and all the glory from anything good we are able to accomplish through the Holy Spirit!
This is such a great message. We don't always know what GOD has in store for us, but we should always be obedient. Even though Paul knew that chains awaited him in Jerusalem, and was not only willing to be bound, but willing to give up his life for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I earnestly pray that I might be as faithful as Paul.
Be sure your sins will find you out, but you can still receive blessings. We always think, or have been told " when you are displeasing to God, you are cut off and can't receive any blessings until you confess and repent". This portion of scripture eludes to the fact Jehova-Jireh still loves us and will supply what we need, even though the sin had not been repented of( example, selling Joseph of to be a slave). Jacob and his family needed food. That experience brought the 10 brothers to rememberance of what they did to Joseph Having to spend 3 days in the ward. Reuben reminded them what he said concerning selling Joseph- Do not sin against the child, but you would not hear. So thankful when I sin, God doesn't destroy everything and remove blessings HE has supplied. So loving and patient HE is. What an awesome Saviour!!!!
Genesis 42-43, Joseph's dream from when he was a teenager unfolds before his very eyes. His brothers come and bow down before him in need of food. Joseph recognizes his brothers and is rather harsh with them because they need discipline. The brothers do not recognize Joseph as Joseph sends them back home to get their younger brother, but keeps Simeon in prison. This may have been because Simeon was the more wicked of the brothers. Joseph being the youngest must have heard all kinds of stories about his brothers as they were out in the fields. The brothers return to Joseph with the younger brother and Joseph can hardly restrain himself in front of his brothers. In the two chapters, Joseph weeps twice out of love for his brothers and family. So much had been stolen from Joseph when his brothers sold him off into slavery. But what man Intended for evil, God turned for good! Isn't this always the case, where God works in the lives of His children and turns bad things into great lessons and great work. May we walk in faith trusting the Lord as Joseph walked in faith and never doubted!
Acts 21:
Great reminder this morning of 2 things. Sharing what God has done in our lives and the lives of others is so important. If we are to dwell on things that are pure and holy, we must also talk about them. But the final part of this also caught my eye. As we do, it should always be in a way that glorifies the Lord. Not in a way that would lead people to think it's us doing anything in our own strength or talent. God requires and deserves all the credit and all the glory from anything good we are able to accomplish through the Holy Spirit!
Thank you for this.
Acts 21
This is such a great message. We don't always know what GOD has in store for us, but we should always be obedient. Even though Paul knew that chains awaited him in Jerusalem, and was not only willing to be bound, but willing to give up his life for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I earnestly pray that I might be as faithful as Paul.
Genesis 42-43
Be sure your sins will find you out, but you can still receive blessings. We always think, or have been told " when you are displeasing to God, you are cut off and can't receive any blessings until you confess and repent". This portion of scripture eludes to the fact Jehova-Jireh still loves us and will supply what we need, even though the sin had not been repented of( example, selling Joseph of to be a slave). Jacob and his family needed food. That experience brought the 10 brothers to rememberance of what they did to Joseph Having to spend 3 days in the ward. Reuben reminded them what he said concerning selling Joseph- Do not sin against the child, but you would not hear. So thankful when I sin, God doesn't destroy everything and remove blessings HE has supplied. So loving and patient HE is. What an awesome Saviour!!!!
Genesis 42-43, Joseph's dream from when he was a teenager unfolds before his very eyes. His brothers come and bow down before him in need of food. Joseph recognizes his brothers and is rather harsh with them because they need discipline. The brothers do not recognize Joseph as Joseph sends them back home to get their younger brother, but keeps Simeon in prison. This may have been because Simeon was the more wicked of the brothers. Joseph being the youngest must have heard all kinds of stories about his brothers as they were out in the fields. The brothers return to Joseph with the younger brother and Joseph can hardly restrain himself in front of his brothers. In the two chapters, Joseph weeps twice out of love for his brothers and family. So much had been stolen from Joseph when his brothers sold him off into slavery. But what man Intended for evil, God turned for good! Isn't this always the case, where God works in the lives of His children and turns bad things into great lessons and great work. May we walk in faith trusting the Lord as Joseph walked in faith and never doubted!