Genesis 36-37, we meet Joseph as a 17 year old teenage boy. He begins having dreams from God and he doesn't know what these dreams are all about. He explains them to his father and brothers. His brothers get to the point that they absolutely hate him. Why did they hate him so much? We learn a few family lessons here: first his father favored him. He favored him to the point that all the brothers knew he favored him. He even made him a tunic of colors that he did not make for the other brothers. So we learn not to show favorites to our children but to treat them equally. This hatred began with Joseph being the youngest, and culminated into a monster when Jospeh share the dreams that he had. Jospeh is sold by his brother to an Ishmaelite caravan and ultimately sold to Potiphar as a slave. Does sound like a great life, doesn't sound like a life you want to emulate. But God has his hand all over this situation! So my takeaway is that sometimes when things seem awful, if I am surrendered to the Lord, He will turn the awful to awesome. Keep walking with Him and trusting Him living a surrendered life. Lastly, love the same with no favorites. I want my boys to know that I love them equally through mistakes, failures or their greatness achievements!
Genesis 36-37- Esau married a Canaanite woman, unlike his brother, Jacob who was forbidden by his father Isaac to take a wife from that land. Genesis 46 explains Esau's geneology. In Genesis 37 Jacob's sons are still up to no good. Joseph shares his prophetic dreams with his brothers causing envy to rise up in them. They act on their impulses again and conspired to get rid of him. They sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels. Their father was devastated and greived. Little did they know, what they ment for evil would be exactly what led to the prophetic dream being fulfilled! When Jesus was crucified, they did it because they hated Him and wanted to destroy Him- But God had a plan for OUR good. God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Hallelujah!
Acts 18- Paul seems weary at one point and God speaks to him and encourages him telling him not to keep silent and He will be with him. Paul travels with a man and his wife, continuing the ministry. We see Paul needed fellowship. Paul meets a Jew who is preaching, but there are some errors which they help to correct. Paul was human, he was weary at times and he needed fellowship. He needed the Lord's help. Paul was humble. He didn't make things about him. It was all about Jesus Christ. Overall, the tone of this chapter to me is about humility. We can do nothing apart from our Lord!
Genesis 36-37, we meet Joseph as a 17 year old teenage boy. He begins having dreams from God and he doesn't know what these dreams are all about. He explains them to his father and brothers. His brothers get to the point that they absolutely hate him. Why did they hate him so much? We learn a few family lessons here: first his father favored him. He favored him to the point that all the brothers knew he favored him. He even made him a tunic of colors that he did not make for the other brothers. So we learn not to show favorites to our children but to treat them equally. This hatred began with Joseph being the youngest, and culminated into a monster when Jospeh share the dreams that he had. Jospeh is sold by his brother to an Ishmaelite caravan and ultimately sold to Potiphar as a slave. Does sound like a great life, doesn't sound like a life you want to emulate. But God has his hand all over this situation! So my takeaway is that sometimes when things seem awful, if I am surrendered to the Lord, He will turn the awful to awesome. Keep walking with Him and trusting Him living a surrendered life. Lastly, love the same with no favorites. I want my boys to know that I love them equally through mistakes, failures or their greatness achievements!
Genesis 36-37- Esau married a Canaanite woman, unlike his brother, Jacob who was forbidden by his father Isaac to take a wife from that land. Genesis 46 explains Esau's geneology. In Genesis 37 Jacob's sons are still up to no good. Joseph shares his prophetic dreams with his brothers causing envy to rise up in them. They act on their impulses again and conspired to get rid of him. They sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels. Their father was devastated and greived. Little did they know, what they ment for evil would be exactly what led to the prophetic dream being fulfilled! When Jesus was crucified, they did it because they hated Him and wanted to destroy Him- But God had a plan for OUR good. God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Hallelujah!
Acts 18- Paul seems weary at one point and God speaks to him and encourages him telling him not to keep silent and He will be with him. Paul travels with a man and his wife, continuing the ministry. We see Paul needed fellowship. Paul meets a Jew who is preaching, but there are some errors which they help to correct. Paul was human, he was weary at times and he needed fellowship. He needed the Lord's help. Paul was humble. He didn't make things about him. It was all about Jesus Christ. Overall, the tone of this chapter to me is about humility. We can do nothing apart from our Lord!