Day 16

Today's Scripture
Genesis 32-33, Acts 16

Leave any takeaways in the comment section below!


Pastor Jay - January 16th, 2024 at 8:40am

Genesis 31-32, Jacob is driven to God in a time of crisis. Esau his brother is coming to him with 400 men. Jacob had stolen his birthright and the blessing of their father Isaac. Esau had vowed to kill Jacob in the last encounter that they had. I can understand why Jacob is so fearful. Jacob in chapter 32 wrestles with God. In verse 25 it says, "Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him." Have you ever wrestled with God over something. Jacob was wrestling with God in the sense of being desperate for God to move in his life and family. Jacob would not let go of God until God blessed him. And God did bless him. Jacob lost the battle, but won the victory. Jacob's hip was weakened, and he became strong only when he became weak. (2 For. 12:1-10). At the end of the his wrestling with God Jacob had a new name, Israel; he had a new walk (he was limping); and he had a new relationship with God because he had experienced God like never before and it changed his faith. His face grew to the point that he would be able to face any problem. Have you ever prayed on something and said to God, "I am not going to let You go until you bless me?" Maybe it is time to make a list of somethings that you will not stop seeking God over, until God moves and answers! Amen!

Nikki - January 16th, 2024 at 10:31pm

The last time these brothers had seen each other ,esua wanted to kill Jacob...and now being years later when esua sees Jacob ,they embrace each other...and esua forgives Jacob powerful reminds me of how God forgives us even when we don't deserve it ..

Jess - January 17th, 2024 at 11:28am

Genesis 32- Though God chose to bless Jacob and had great plans for him for God's glory, Jacob often took matters into his own hands and dealt treacherously with his brother to get God's blessing instead of leaving it in God's hands. Jacob had to learn to trust God, because naturally, he didn't. We see Jacob struggling here because now he's coming face to face with consequences of his own actions. He's afraid that Esau is going to kill him. So Jacob prayed to God, but I wonder if he was really willing to submit to God's plan to work it out because Jacob wrestles with God and is injured. I beleive the wrestling is symbolic of Jacob wanting to do things his own way and the injury is a reminder to him to submit to God's will and the consequences for not doing that. Wow- that's really a wake up call to me. How many times in my own life did I take matters into my own hands? I am still living the consequences out now of some decisions even though I have given my life to Christ, but God is a redeemer and a healer and an ever present help. Though we fall short, God is gracious and He has a plan for our lives that are greater than our own plans for our lives. Am I willing to submit in all things? That's the question I am left with in reading this. God is always wanting to refine us and ultimately, He wants to use us for His glory, but am I willing to let go of doing things my own way so that He gets the glory from my life?

Gina P - January 17th, 2024 at 2:12pm


Jess - January 17th, 2024 at 5:22pm

Genesis 33- Jacob was afraid that Esau would still be andry with him and would kill him, but Esau embraced him and was glad to see him and his family! Jacob had prayed it would be so, but He was still afraid and God made it right. Esau was so forgiving of Jacob. And Jacob was humbled by the whole circumstance and learned to trust God even more and his faith in the Lord was strengthened. As we seek the Lord and acknowledge Him in all our ways, even in our trials, when WE are afraid, God reveals His love and care for us too and our faith and trust in Him grows!