Day 15

Today's Scripture
Genesis 30-31, Acts 15

Leave any takeaways in the comment section below!


Pastor Jay - January 15th, 2024 at 6:29am

Genesis 30-31, God is establishing the twelve tribes of Israel and using Jacob and his wives to do so. It is exciting to see all of this taking place, knowing how it is carried out in Scripture. Jacob works for Laban seven years for his daughter Rachel. Laban deceives Jacob and gives him Leah. Jacob works seven more years for Rachel and then marries her. Jacob serves Laban 6 more years and carries off his wives and children to another land to begin to grow his family even more. This move was under the direction of the Lord. Jacob walked with the Lord and the Lord walked with Jacob directing his steps.

How exciting it is to walk with God and to hear from the Lord! May we be faithful in our walk with God that we may see the hand of the Lord working in our lives and families! Let us stay faithful in His Word and in prayer!

Jo Lynn Seifert - January 15th, 2024 at 6:39am

Gen. 30. Jacob is proof that God has a plan for everyone's life in spite of sins and detours. God was more than generous kind, and patient with him showing there's hope for us.

Jaob certainly did NOT begin well and certainly didn't live a God honoring life starting out BUT in spite of that God had a plan and nothing would stop God from fulfilling it. We should be greatly encouraged!!

I do wonder why God allowed Jacob to have two wives and then servant wives?! I don't think there's any scripture condemning these sins?

Nikki - January 15th, 2024 at 10:16pm

It's so amazing how Jacob came to leban because of what he did back home and had to get away and God used him in a mighty way to establish the 12 tribes of Israel. Yes it was hard during this time of his life ,but God was with him every step of the way.

Jess - January 16th, 2024 at 11:19am

Genesis 30- We see Leah and Rachael in competition with one another here. Rachael gets mad with Jacob because she wants a child and Jacob becomes angry with her telling her that he's not God and it's in God's hands. So Rachael gives her handmaid as a surrogate and has children through her and then Leah sees that she has left baring so she does the same with her mandmaid. Then God opens Leah's womb to bare more sons and a daughter and then remembers Rachel and opens her womb. Both times when God opened their wombs God was good. The words says that he heard Leah and opened her womb. And it says that He remembered Rachael and opened her womb. To me, we see that Rachael and Leah didn't do everything right. They allowed their emotions and insecurities to drive them, but God had a plan to establish the 12 tribes of Judah and to bless the seed of Abraham. God understands that we are imperfect humans, that's why we need Him. We need His guidance and wisdom. He is sovereign over all. So if we believe He is truly sovereign over all, we see that He will establish His will, though we fall short of His glory. Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts , neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Nothing, not even our faults can stop the good, pleasing, and perfect will of the Father!

Jess - January 16th, 2024 at 11:40am

Genesis 31- Jacob was blessed by God to carry out His will. Laban saw the blessing on Jacob's life and didn't want him to part, but Jacob remembered what God had spoken to him and His plan, so Jacob chose to obey. Jacob might have been comfortable where he was at, but he was willing to make the necessary changes to fulfill God's will.

Jess - January 16th, 2024 at 12:46pm

Acts 15- We see Paul and Barnabas discipling and encouraging the church here. There were some who were discouraged because they were made to believe they needed to do more for their salvation, but the disciples told them that it was by the grace of God through their faith that they were saved. They did tell them of the things they needed to abstain from. The disciples not only preached the gospel but also made more disciples. This is an illustration of what the church is to be.

Jo Lynn - January 17th, 2024 at 8:05am

About the letter delivered to the gentiles ..

Paul and Barnabas parted ways because of a sharp disagreement about taking Mark.

"Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord".

Reading between the lines it would seem the church "sided" with Paul so to speak ... because I don't see the same commendation for Barnabas. Interesting..the Bible doesn't record a rift or dispute dividing the church over this by taking sides with Barnabas or Paul. That's encouraging because It had to be discouraging for them to see Paul and Barnabas divided over this.

Thinking about all the division that tears churches apart unnecessarily.