Day 8

Today's Scripture
Genesis 16-17, Acts 8

Leave any takeaways in the comment section below!


Jessica Westbrook - January 8th, 2024 at 5:33am

Genesis 16-17: Sarai did not wait upon the Lord, so she took matters into her own hands and allowed her husband to conceive a child with her handmade Hagar. As a consequence, Sarai became bitter and resnented Hagar. Hagar ran from Sarai because Sarai had dealt harshly with her, so God sent an angel to comfort Hagar and tell Hagar to go back and submit herself to Sarai. The angel of the Lord told her that she would bear a son and her seed would be multiplied exceedingly and that his name would be Ishmael because the Lord heard her affliction. This reminds me of the scripture that says God is close to the broken hearted. God showed here that He cares even for the " least of these". Several years went by and God apeard to Abram, changed his name to Abraham because God would make him father of many nations and God revealed to him that Sarai should now be called Sarah because she would be mirher of many nations, that she would bare a son and his name was to be Isaac and the tree would be an everlasting covenant with them and their seed. Abraham responded with a little doubt about Sarah conceiving a child in her old age. God is the God of the " impossible". God shows here that He means what He says and stands by what He says no matter if we agree or not. His ways are above ours. In summary, Sarai did not know that the great promises that would be in store for her several years after she went ahead of God. She didn't know she would adopt the name Sarah- mother of many nations. We also can get ahead of God and rush into making hasty decisions. There are consequences when we run ahead of God, but God stands by what He says He's going to do and He is faithful, even when we fall short.

Jessica Westbrook - January 8th, 2024 at 12:29pm

Acts 8: Many things take place in Acts 8, but the thing that stood out the most to me is how God used Philip, John, and Peter and the revival that was taking place. The word was being preached and people were unified and taking heed to it. John and Peter layed hands on those that were taking heed to the word that was preached by Philip and God allowed them to lay hands on them and impart the Holy Spirit to them. Philip had the anointing on him so when he preached the Lord spoke through him and he was able to lay hands on the sick and lame and heal them. An angel of thevLord spoke and told Philip to go to a place where he came across a Eunich of Candace who had just came from worshiping and was reading the word. The eunich welcomed him to sit with him while they read the word and the Lord was able to minister to the eunich through Philip. The eunich decided to give his life to the Lord and went with Philip to be baptized. I was amazed how when they came up from the water, Philip was caught up by the Lord and taken to another place and how the eunich rejoiced coming up from the water. My takeaway that stands out most to me is how devout Philip was and how greatly God used him to share his word, disciple, and heal others. Philip was trufollowing the Lord and God was using him mightily. Also, it brought to mind Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it will be opened to you." The eunich was seeking the truth and found it!!!

SLM - January 8th, 2024 at 8:57pm

Genesis 16 and 17 - trusting our feelings rather than trusting the Lord... I felt this just today. I rushed in with my feelings around what had happened before I let the Lord show me what could happen.... feelings are misleading, and as we learn from Abram and Sarai, trying to help God fulfill His promises can be costly. Their spiritual detour from the will of God produced ramifications we are experiencing today. That I experienced today. Forgive me Lord, help me to wait on you, as your timing is always right, your understanding is always right and I need to learn to seek that before letting the enemy have a second of my thoughts.

Acts 8 - the Lord used Saul's anger of going after Christians to make missionaries of the world. To spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. Forced to leave home base, the Christians all became missionaries. Wherever they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus. So those who were scattered went on their way proclaiming the message of good news!

Nikki - January 8th, 2024 at 10:14pm

Genesis 16-17

I feel that Sarah should have waited on God's timing, it would of saved her so much agrivation and heartache.

I feel people do what she did even today.we get so caught up In wanting things when we want it instead of waiting on God ..this story reminds me to be patient and to know things happen in God's perfect timing..


I love how God used Philip in this .when he first spoke to the eunich ,he didn't understand what he was reading and Philip explained the scripture so the eunich could understand.and then happened to come across a body of water

So he could baptize him.i love how the eunich was so excited to live for the Lord .

its just amazing how God used Philip,

Jess - January 9th, 2024 at 4:31am

Genesis 16-17: Reflecting on this scripture I realize that Sarai and Abram didn't get everything right, but God still had a great plan for their lives. God was going to do something great through them. To me, this scripture shows once again how flawed we are as humans and how gracious He is and how His plans are perfect, though we are imperfect. It reminds of the scripture Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according His purpose. Sarai didn't put her trust in God on the matter, but she took matters into her own hands which caused her more anguish, but God had great blessings in store for her. GOD is so good!